Transfection Accessories:
For maximal transfection efficiency and minimal transfection toxicity, we manufacture TransMate™ Transfection Booster Cocktail and HapiCell™ Transfection Toxicity Removal Cocktail.
TransMate™ Transfection Booster Cocktail was formulated by optimizing mixture of 4 transfection boostering chemicals for maximal efficiency on mammalian cells. Combined with current commercial available DNA/siRNA transfection reagents, pretreatment with TransMate™ Transfection Booster Cocktail was confirmed to give 3~10 times better efficiency than transfection reagent alone.
HapiCell™ Transfection Toxicity Removal Cocktail is a patent pending proprietary product formulated for effective removal of transfection mediated toxicity for sensitive mammalian cells. 2 minutes incubation of sensitive cells (e.g., SaoS-2, HUVEC, primary kerotinocytes, etc) with HapiCell™ Transfection Toxicity Removal Cocktail at RT completely removes the cytotoxicity, which otherwise kill the cells.