GenMute™ siRNA Transfection Reagent for Primary Neurons

¥ 2,680.00


  • 目录号: SL100568-PNN
  • 包装: 1.0 ml


GenMute™ siRNA Transfection Reagent for Primary Neurons is pre-optimized for transfecting siRNA to primary neurons. Primary neurons are notoriously heard to transfect. With the pre-optim
ized siRNA transfection conditions, GenMute™ reagent was confirmed to give up to 90% silencing at final 50 nM siRNA on primary cultured neurons.

Size & content:
– GenMute™ Reagent, 1.0 ml, sufficient for ~833 reactions based on transfecting 25 pmoles siRNA or miRNA mimics in 24-well plate
– GenMute™ Transfection Buffer (5x ), formulated for maximal transfection efficiency, 8.0 ml to make 40 ml working solution

Refer to the following optimal transfection conditions for maximal silencing on primary neurons. GenMute™ reagent, 1.0 ml, is sufficient for ~833 transfections in 24 well plates or ~416 transfections in 6 well plates.

Summary of Optimal Transfection Conditions:

Cell culture medium
Confluency of cell on the day of transfection
Optimal siRNA concentration
Optima transfection timing
Diluent for siRNA and GenMute™ Reagent
Incubation Time to Form GenMute™/siRNA Complex
Maximal Silencing Efficiency

Transfection Results:
Gene silenced
Silencing Efficiency (% )


Nuerobasal plus B27 serum free medium
25 nM final
5 ~ 6 days culture
1xGenMute™ Transfection Buffer
~15 minutes at RT
~48 hours


Store at 4 °C. If stored properly, the product is stable for 12 months or longer.

Data Sheet & Protocol

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